Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Singapore Sling, Baby.

so things have been pretty quiet around here, which does not mean to say that i haven't been doing anything interesting. honestly, the first month went by so fast, i hardly had time to catch my breath. and moving has not been as depressing as i thought it would be. well, i still can't kick this insommia - imagine me wide-eyed as an owl at night, then yawning (and for those that know me, that is not a pretty sight) my head off in the middle of the day (to answer the unspoken question - no, i have not fallen asleep during any meeting, i am not a hypocrite like that *wink*).

so just to recap what i've cooked first month in the lion city:

1st week - barbecue! my sinigang was a hit *pat on the back*. and my friend aela's burgers were TO-DIE-FOR. i know the secret ingredient but i ain't sharing. and i still havent' gathered the courage to try grilling burgers yet. hehehe.

2nd week - BALI baby! that deserves one whole post altogether.

3rd week - *Gulp* Day of reckoning - Laundry Day (wherein 2 of my dresses shrunk to fit my 5-year old past. sigh)

4th week - OAsis! OAsis! OAsissssssssssssssssssss! I love Noel! :)

just some pictures that capture what i've been cooking up:

i have no pictures of my barbecue spread (think sinigang, spicy shrimp, blanched spinach and sauteed mushrooms, plus a cinnamon honey baked fruit plate), nor of my last saturday dinner (roast chicken with gravy, roast potatoes, eggplant parmigiana, white fettucine, smores) because they were gobbled up so fast by my guinea pigs (P&G boys). hehe i guess i should be happy that they appreciate my cooking yay!

my camera's batt died, so will post Bali pics and other stuff asap.

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