Saturday, October 3, 2009

so i'm back (from outerspace)

this blog has been dormant (okay, D-E-A-D) for the past 4 months. it was a slow demise, first with blogposts becoming fewer and far between, then ultimately a complete void. it wasn't because nothing was happening to me, actually, things have been more than great, nor was it because i had nothing to say. it was basically, laziness.

i hide behind the excuse of being a complete ignoramus on all things web-related. i wanted the blog to be cute, witty, very who-what-wear-with fashion soundbites (OH MY GAWG) and fabulous pictures. but i just couldn't find the heart to constantly snap photos of my impulse purchases, nor am i secure enough with my body image to model my own outfits. so there, the blog just fizzled.

but i now realize that even though i couldn't fulfill the original intent of this blog to be a fashion spread, there are so many things to write about. like life, for instance. i don't know if anyone else would care to pick the brain of a 25-year old corporate whore, but hey, cyberspace is free.

So here I am, typing up a string of words to form semi-coherent statements. I'm a cheap expat based in SG, grossly dissatisfied with my current career yet too enslaved by the security of my paycheck to quit, i know what i want to do with the rest of my life, happily in love, exasperated with my family, and desperately missing my social circle at home. hmmm, what else - ah yeah, a jack of all frivolous trades, master of a couple totally insensible ones.

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