Saturday, November 21, 2009

winter wonderland

so i thought i could survive seoul in just my trusty pink jacket. but it was really freezing and i couldn't stay out for more than 2 minutes without my teeth chattering.

so i feel perfectly justified in getting my first set of winter digs. hehe. mind you i looked and looked and did not succumb to my first impulse - a firetruck red capelet number with a beribboned collar (i can just die by cuteness, but that's another story altogether). instead, i canvassed different coat types (leather, wool, scratchy polyyester blends, cashmere, tweed, etc) and both local and international boutiques before settling on this zara naman. it was in trf so cheaper than the average zara, and actually cheaper than the average price of those i've seen so far.

it's so cute and soooooo classic but not granny-boring. i love the collar and this was one of the few where my forearms did not feel nor look like corndogs (gosh korean jackets had the tightest sleeves, it was so depressing).

after patting myself on the back for such a smart purchase......i saw these.

i tried to resist...really.

but i simply couldn't. this is my kryptonite. sob. they actually cost more than the coat. boohoo.
but they're so cute, and so flattering on me...and they have dual zippers (both sides!) - and so getting them on and off is so EASYYYYYYYYYYYYY. i figured that innovation justifies the additional cost? cmon, right?!

but no use crying over spilt, este, spent dollars.

now snow, bring it on. :)

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