Tuesday, January 5, 2010

2009, where did you go? will i miss you?

i can't believe it's 2010 already. i feel like i spent a good part of the year sleepwalking - not exactly in deep slumber, but not entirely awake either. so many things happened, most of them incredulously wonderful (or is it wonderfully incredulous?), that i haven't even fully comprehended that they're real. i haven't even had time to pinch myself!

i've always been very good at making resolutions, yet really bad at keeping them. but looking back, i was able to fulfill a good number of them - to be honest, not entirely through a lot of conscious effort on my part. God and fate have just been truly good to me this year.

let's see how 2009 went okay?

1. go to Boracay this Labor Day weekend (3rd time's the charm!)
- Semi-fail. I did not manage to go back to Boracay, but I did travel during this holiday.
2. get my passport stamped in at least 3 countries i've never been to before (lead options remain Spain, Cambodia, Japan, Greece, and Italy).
- WIN! I was able to get Bali/Jakarta, Bangkok, Tokyo, Sydney, and Seoul out of my list.
3. buy at least one book a month.
- WIN! I bought more than 12 books and definitely read more than 12. hehe.
4. buy AT MOST 2 pairs of shoes a month.
- This was a great WIN! Not only did I manage to buy less than 24 pairs this year, I also started selling off my not fully loved and utilized ones. :)
5. learn how to use Limewire (don't laugh) properly.
- Ok, so people apparently don't even use Limewire anymore. What is prehistoric. But this is still a FAIL.
6. run in at least one 10k event, and train for a 2010 marathon.
- FAIL on the 10K - I had my reasons, but that's no excuse. Still thinking if I should keep the 2010 resolution.
7. buy a condo.
- FAIl. But a deliberate fail on my part since I have decided to re-invest my savings. So I don't feel too bad.
8. take sewing or swimming lessons.
- FAIL. This is the only fail that I really feel bad about.
9. go back to HK - and do the bungee thingo this time!
- Semi-win. Did go back to HK, but didn't do the bungee since Ryan didn't want to. Maybe next year? :)
10. don't drink unless the mixer is DIET soda.
- WIN, i think. I definitely drank less than 20% of what I drank in 2008, hahaha.

so a 50% success rate. not something to brag about, but i guess better than past performance. hehe. :)

so what will i endeavor to do this year? and of course, in classic P&G style, what are the action steps needed to achieve these?

1. Go back to my best in class weight. Eat healthier and have a more active lifestyle!
Action-to-be-taken: Boracay beautify me challenge will be a big enabler for JFM, but I resolve to go back to regular exercise - nothing too strenous, but just enough to stop me from ballooning.
2. Travel to at least 5 more new cities/countries. I know that Hanoi, Osaka, Cambodia are already confirmed, so I just need 2 more to go. My lead options are Greece and Turkey, but Spain wouldn't be too bad. Shoutout to the bf just in case he gets to read this, hehehe.
3. Follow my true passion. Won't elaborate too much so i won't jinx it.
Action-to-be-taken: Continue searching and actively looking. No more waiting for it to drop into my lap. :)
4. Savings target: Index 150 of 2009 savings
5. Learn to sew (Carryover from last year)
6. Go back to running and run a 2010 marathon (Target : Standard Chartered!)

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