Monday, May 25, 2009

family musings

my gramma visited me for 2 weeks. my aunt and 2 cousins decided to tag along. so the 5 of us have been crammed into my apartment for the past 2 weeks (thank god for free housekeeping again!). having family around made me realize 2 things:

1. no one can rival my gramma's cooking.
2. i don't want to have 5 kids anymore.

i was expecting to be jubilant that my family was here. and yes, i am happy that they're here. but after 2 days, i started to remember why back in the philippines i was so eager to live on my own.

it wasn't that they were annoying or a burden to me. it was more like i had gotten used to not being answerable to anyone and to being completely independent that it came as a shock that i had to do things like the ff again:

1. inform them of my comings/goings
2. text about what time i'm coming home.
3. share the TV.
4. hide out in the room to escape the noise.
5. be careful about what i say on the phone (potential eavesdropper).
6. be careful not to curse.

you get the picture. haha.

also, what was disconcerting was the fact that this time around, the burden of keeping house (and this was just grocery shopping, scheduling, etc. not even real HOUSEKEEPING) was on my shoulders for the first time.

i had to research their itinerary, find out fares and schedules, grocery shop (every 2 days, those kids can really EAT!)..and so forth.

grocery shopping got me thinking - if it takes this much to feed 2 children, no way in hell will i be able to afford 5 kids.

being with my 2 cousins led me to the conclusion - a kid can make noise equivalent to 2 adults. or a horde of monkeys. and the noise exponientally increases as you add more kids.

action to be taken: don't have more than 1 kid if you want to keep your sanity.


i still think my gramma is the best though. :)

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